Born in 1971, he graduated first-class honour in Rome and in Freiburg (Germany), studying respectively with Prof. S.Esposito and K.Kashkashian.
He continued his training under the guidance of renewed soloists such as Y.Bashmet (Acc.Chigiana) and B.Giuranna (Acc."W. Stauffer" in Cremona).
Winner of several competitions, prized in the 1994 Lionel Tertis Competition,he got in 1995 a special prize from the Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft in Koln.
As a soloist and chamber musician he has recorded for Vigiesse, Thymallus, Agorà, Tudor, Dad, Rhona, Stradivarius, Dynamic, Decca, Fonè for italian Radio3, Sky Classica and for the classical reviews CD Classica, Suonare news and Amadeus (Brahms viola Sonatas) .
Principal viola in the Orchestre des jeunes de la Mediterranée, then member of the European Community Youth Orchestra (ECYO), in 1994 he was selected by M. Riccardo Muti as principal viola soloist at the Teatro alla Scala and for the Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala of Milan.
He often performs in duo with his brother pianist.
Togheter with other section's leaders of the orchestra, he founded the Quartetto d' archi della Scala.
Invited as member of jury in several international competitions (Geneva),he currently teaches viola at the Milano Music Master and is regularly invited as professor to hold masterclasses and concerts atimportant festivals (Arts Academy in Rome,Accademia “Perosi” in Biella, Festival delle citta’ in Portogruaro, Gubbio Festival, Accademia “T. Varga” in Sion,Associazione Napolinova).
In chamber music or as a soloist he performed with artist such as J. Rachlin, I. Faust, P. Vernikov, T. Brandis, A. Sitzkovesky, U. Ughi, M. Quarta, S. Accardo, E. Dindo, N. Gutman, I. Golan, E. Pahud, J. Carreras.
In 2003 he performed the Kammermusik N. 5 (concert for viola) with the Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala under the conducting of M. W. Sawallisch and in 2005 the Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante with M. Riccardo Muti and the orchestra Cherubini .
He plays a “Giovanni Gagliano” viola (1800).